The. Birthing of. Donkey Kong Jr.


A brother’s love
is muscle pumping
deeply into the Sea
of a sister’s fraternal

Father’s always right,
and now
brother’s never wrong

He, a bodybuilding smile
She, a builder of mirth illusions

Like cob in the northwest,
she ages with a glimmer
of healthy sheen outside,
and a withering rot inside

He grows bolder with cheers,
travel, and island sunshine,
always forcing fraternal luv
when fate draws sis to bro

Nine months, now, are gone
The water, it flows turbulent
between reluctant thighs;
a cry is heard in 8-bit tones,
a hammer raised high

Then, with simian grace,
a fluid-slicked, furry head
pops this live-action bubble
exposing platforms and ladders

The hospital becomes level 1
as DK jr. begins to climb,
leaving sister and brother
shaking violently on the floor

30 thoughts on “The. Birthing of. Donkey Kong Jr.

    1. Thank you. That’s a good reaction. This one is pretty strange. Pretty strange. I like the double meaning in that. I do have a sibling, an older sister. However, this was not an attempt to describe a personal relationship. It was a furthering of a new movement in writing. I don’t have a name for it yet. Working on it, though. Maybe it’s an attempt to destroy the unneeded separation between the actual and the artificial?

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  1. I read this on my phone the other night, and it’s been popping around in my head ever since. It’s an interesting piece. It takes my mind in a couple of different directions makes me laugh at one point and wince at another. I do love the flow of the words themselves. I’m intrigued by your description above ^ too, I tend to feel a separation is good myself, but may be misunderstanding your meaning.


    1. Hey, thank you. You mean beat-poetry as in Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti? I’ve read ’em, though I wasn’t trying to have a beat style. Their influence is probably all tangled up with all the other influences in my life. Beat soup.

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  2. She, a builder of mirth illusions — what a way to say smile even though it hurts!

    There are many levels here. In my reading, I see the son of the family as the favored child regardless of his actions, he is the one that is praised and the daughter, the disappointment who is trying to better her fate with a painted smile. Of course, I might be interpreting from personal experience or from history by osmosis. Either way, this is impactful, sardonic, very out-of-the-box metaphorically.

    And I keep coming back to “mirth illusions” <— brill


  3. And now I’m picturing Princess Peach giving birth to a mutant eight-bit half-breed gorilla. Why can’t I come up with ideas like this? This is seriously good.

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  4. “She, a builder of mirth illusions”– that’s a meal in and of itself. Love this… it’s that funny thing where it’s just a game, but there’s that underlying violence, too. Very nice. Able to take a face value OR dig for metaphor if you’re a nerdy lit geek like me. Or a Dig Dug fan, I suppose.


    1. Thank you, Danielle. I used to love Dig Dug, and I took about four degrees’ worth of literature classes at University (all three of them), so I’m with you on digging for metaphor. Face value is good too sometimes, but it’s even better to stick a knife into the chocolate Easter bunny and find it’s not hollow.

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